Medium Profile Unit Cooler

Russell’s Medium Profile Unit Coolers are the perfect evaporator solution for medium to large walk-in coolers and freezers. Designed with efficiency, performance and service in mind, the Medium Profile line truly stands out from the competition.
Available in 115V/12

Intelligence Sleep Mode
Air Defrost models (RM6A
Modelos Electromagnéticos
Electric Defrost models (RM6E or RM4E)

Mayor seguridad y eficiencia
de la categoría

Calefactor a gas con temperatura estable a la medida de cualquier necesidad,
gracias a su calidad, eficiencia y durabilidad.

Russell Medium Profile 2 Fan
HOUSING Each unit is constructed with a rust-free, heavy gauge, textured
COIL Seamless copper tubes are staggered and mechanically expanded into corrugated aluminum fins to assure maximum heat transfer
MOTORS All models feature highly efficient Dual Speed Electronically Commutated (EC
HOT GAS DEFROST There are two types of Hot Gas Defrost models available: 3-pipe Hot Gas models (RM6H or RM4H) and 2-pipe Hot Gas Reverse Cycle units (RM6G or RM4G
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